Vicky is one of the creators of CLGdotTV, where she also produces and presents programmes. She has 25 years experience of delivering projects in and for public sector organisations including government departments, local authorities, the NHS, and professional associations. Much of her work has been around digitally-enabled innovation and improvement.


PODCAST: Council websites will need to raise their game to meet new EU requirements says GDS accessibility chief


© CLGdotTV 2018

Alistair Duggin, Head of Accessibility at the Government Digital Service, explains implications of the new EU Accessibility Directive that will require action by owners of 40,000 public sector websites

People with disabilities need to be able to use websites as easily as people without a disability. This is enshrined in the Equality Act, and website owners can already be prosecuted if they can't.

However, as is explained in this podcast, new EU regulations coming into force on 23 September 2018 will require most public sector websites to do more. First, all websites will have to publish an accessibility statement, and second, they will need to meet EU accessibility standards, meaning, for those that know about these things, WCAG 2.0 to level AA. Public sector websites will be subject to monitoring of their performance in meeting these rerequirements. Recent testing by Socitm's Better Connectedprogramme suggests that most local authority websites do not curently meet WCAG 2.0 to level AA.

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We are very grateful to the GDS accessibility team for providing the following links and information:
The regulations come into force on 23 September 2018. New public sector websites published after 23 September 2018 need to meet the regulations by 23 September 2019. All other public sector websites need to meet the regulations by 23 September 2020. Public sector mobile applications need to meet the regs by June 2021
New accessibility regulations for public sector websites and apps
Web Accessibility Initiative - support materials to help managers and developers understand and implement accessibility
Introduction to Web Accessibility
Easy Checks – A First Review of Web Accessibility
Tips and tutorials for writing, designing, and developing for accessibility
The Service Manual - contains lots of useful information about accessibility
Understanding WCAG 2.0
Testing for accessibility
The GOV.UK Design System
Introducing the GOV.UK Design System
This content brought to you free of charge through the generous support of An Audience with CLGdotTV
Four times each year we invite around 60 people to join us for a day of making programmes.
On 23 October An Audience with CLGdotTV No3 will focus on social care and health and topics covered will include:
integration of health and social care services around place
the HR and skills connundrum at the heart of social care and health integration
the challenges of patient/citizen information sharing and how these can be overcome
the role of population, NHS ‘SUS’ and other data in improving service interventions and outcomes
self-supporting communities – how far will social prescribing and asset based commissioning take us?
the potential of apps and other digitally-enabled products and services in social care
the sustainability of current health and social care systems.
Seats on the panels and in the audience are as rare as teeth in hens. #beoneofthe60 email Ben Webber for more information.
Increasingly CLGdotTV programmes are presented as Podcasts. These can be found on the CLGdotTV platform and listened to and downloaded from our own podcast platform or subscribed to through Spotify and iTunes


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