Joe Tibbetts is the founder and CEO of CLGdotTV. He hosts Working Lunch and chairs AnswerTime the CLGdotTV panel show. Joe chairs conferences and advises public and private sector organisations on how to get heard.


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© CLGdotTV 2018

Dawn Reeves and John Griffiths have successful portfolio careers. But can this approach work in local government?

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A surprising number of people today seem to think that they were the first to say "There is no such thing as a career path, it's crazy paving and you have to lay it yourself" I know two things for certain. It wasn't me that said it first and I first heard it more than 20 years ago. Whoever said it first was remarkably prescient. Portfolio careers, with a number of major changes to direction throughout a long working life and having more than one skill set at all times so that flip-flopping from one activity to another on a daily basis has become common place. But is this appraoch to work and work patterns going to be accepted in the local government arena?


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