Vicky is one of the creators of CLGdotTV, where she also produces and presents programmes. She has 25 years experience of delivering projects in and for public sector organisations including government departments, local authorities, the NHS, and professional associations. Much of her work has been around digitally-enabled innovation and improvement.
@vickysargentPODCAST: Vicky Sargent, programme director of Connected Local Government Live talks to Joe Tibbetts about the "who, what and why" of CLG Live 2017
A: Celebrating the past. Talking the future
A: SOCITM - Society of Information Technology Management; Warwickshire County Council; ADASS Informatics Network - Association of Directors of Adult Social Services; CIWM - Chartered Institute of Waste Management; Staffordshire County Council; LARIA - Local Area Research & Intelligence Association; Leeds City Council; DHACA – Digital Health and Care Alliance; IEWM - Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands; LCIOC – Local Chief Information Officers Council; WOMEN in IT; RTPI – Royal Town Planning Institute; Kirklees Council; SCL – Society of Chief Librarians; Wealden District Council; WMAHSN – West Midlands Academic Health Science Network; ORCHA - Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications; GOOD THINGS FOUNDATION (formerly Tinder Foundation) DATA MILL North; GDS Verify; NHS Digital; techUK; Digital Accessibility Centre; Greater London Authority
Q: What will they all be talking about?
A: Anyone and everyone interested in improving local service delivery across the public sector
Connected Local Government Live
central Birmingham
June 28 & 29