This Smart Life - Feb 6th 2019 - Blackfriars London

Five programmes recorded live in front of an invited audience: Smart Employment, The Caring Home, Smart Transformation, The Drone Zone, and This Smart Life. ...Read more

PODCAST: councils sought for Care xchange ‘discovery’ project set to disrupt agency model

The traditional agency model for carers is costly for councils and workers alike. Now there’s an opportunity for councils to co-create an alternative, say Jane Hancer of CC2i and Paul Spillman of Care xchange....Read more

Picks from CLGdotTV outputs in 2018

In 2018 we covered use and misuse of data; climate change; accessibility; smart places; health & social care transformation; identity & authentication; the Local Digital Fund and more. Here’s some highlights:...Read more

PODCAST: DEFRA and COP24 (Katowice Climate Summit) unleash a perfect storm of environmental policy

Dr David Greenfield of SOENECS and Joe Tibbetts discuss the headlines, the synergies and the challenges in government's new Resources and Waste Strategy and the outcomes of Katowice 2018...Read more

PODCAST: Interesting Times no3. Vicky Sargent and Dylan Roberts: the collaborative, digital, approach to health and wellbeing in Leeds

Dylan Roberts is the city’s Chief Information Officer, in which role he is accountable for delivery of place based outcomes for and across multiple organisations including seven health and care organisations, Leeds City Council, Leeds schools, and three NHS CCGs....Read more

There is much anxiety in Local Authority Land around the near collapse of our social care systems

Huge, post 2010, austerity-driven funding cuts are now threatening the entire social care structure....Read more

PODCAST: Mark Rogers of Collaborate CIC on the new leadership and changing demands on local government leadership

PODCAST: Women, leadership and the public sector

An Audience With CLGdotTV No3 - Social Care & Health - 23 October in London

PODCAST first published 6 Aug 2018: Tim Lancaster of Arcus Global and Joe Tibbetts of CLGdotTV discuss AI in the delivery of social care, social housing, mental health care & other council services.

All CLGdotTV programmes to be simultaneously published as podcasts

PODCAST: Smart stab vests and geolocating for frontline blue-light services. Smart gets mobile.

PODCAST: Drug treatment in England today

Lord Forsyth, chair of Economic Affairs Ctte inquiry into social care system in England, calls for evidence